UM PBP Resource Guide-coming soon!
This resource guide was created by Prison Birth Project’s research committee in order to provide information to community members including, but not limited to, family members of the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and students interested in carceral justice. It will soon be linked on this page for anyone to access!
Relevant Books
PBP has put together a list of books relevant to carceral justice and anti-racism. We hope you have the opportunity to read these and expand your knowledge on these topics!
Jailcare by Carolyn Sufrin
Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis
For Dear Life by Carol Jacobsen
Charged by Emily Bazelon
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
Other Resources
Classes at UMich
List updated for Winter 2022 Semester
AAS 201: Intro to Afro-American Studies
AAS 271: Intro to Afro-American Literature
AAS 290: Tulsa Race Massacre
AAS 248: Crime, Race, and the Law
AAS 303/SOC 303: Race & Ethnic Relations
ALA 220: Foundations of Intergroup Relations
AMCULT 214: Intro to Asian/Pacific American Studies
AMCULT 240: Intro to Women’s and Gender Studies
AMCULT 301: Asian/Pacific Islander Americans in the Civil Rights Movement
AMCULT 405: Topics in American Culture (Section 017-The Politics of Belonging)
HISTORY 261: United States, 1865 to the Present (Section 001-Issues in Race and Ethnicity)
WGS 240: Intro to Women’s Studies
WGS 304: Gender and Immigration: Identity, Race, and Place
WGS 323: Black Feminism Thought and Practice
SOC 270: Gender and the Law
SOC 495.004: Race & Sexuality