Legislation to Create & Enforce Pregnancy Standards of Care in the Michigan Carceral System
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October 19th, 2021
We are excited and grateful to announce that the Pregnancy Standards of Care policy, formerly known as Senate Bill 830, has been taken up by Governor Whitmer’s office and implemented as an executive order! This policy directive mandates that pregnant and postpartum people are held in humane conditions and receive critical health services—its institution is momentous, and reflects years of hard work from our coalition of community stakeholders and State Senator Erika Geiss. Read the coalition’s statement on the directive here. The story has been covered by 9&10 News, Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Michigan Advance, and the Midland Daily News.
There is still more to be done:
The breastfeeding program described in the original legislation was not implemented in this executive order. Incarcerated people in Women’s Huron Valley are still banned from sending milk to their infants, who are cared for elsewhere. To call attention to this unacceptable omission, our coalition organized a virtual event to highlight the need for a breastfeeding program in WHV. The event featured speakers from the coalition, including Sen. Geiss, Siwatu-salama Ra, Dr. Deborah Landis Lewis, and Sekeita Lewis-Johnson, and presentations from PBP members—the recording can be accessed here.
Last session’s Advisory Committee Bill, Senate Bill 831, has been re-introduced as Senate Bill 487. SB 487 would establish a committee of experts, including practitioners of reproductive healthcare, to monitor conditions of confinement in Women’s Huron Valley. Follow the link above to send an email to Michigan senators, requesting a committee hearing for SB 487!
In solidarity,
Noelle Gorka, PBP President
Historically, the State of Michigan has had limited policy regulating the care of incarcerated pregnant people. A series of bills sponsored by State Senator Erika Geiss aims to fill this void by establishing pre- and post-partum Standards of Care and creating an Advisory Council to uphold these standards. These bills are charged with implementing and upholding standards of care for the health of parents and newborns; provisions include:
No restraints for pregnant people unless needed to ensure safety. If restraints are absolutely necessary, they must be least restrictive, with no objection from the medical provider
Pregnant people cannot be placed in isolation
Pregnant people may have access to the support of a doula, a trained birth coach who provides physical and emotional support to parents before, during, and after delivery
Pregnant people must be allowed to choose a loved one who will receive updates when they are transported for appointments, begin labor, and deliver
Extension of the 24-hour maximum hospital stay, allowing pregnant people to remain in the hospital with their infants during a period that is critical for healing and parent-child bonding
For postpartum people who choose to express breastmilk, breastfeeding must be supported through more frequent visitations and development of a pump, store, and distribution program (via a third party to avoid instances of liability)
The Prison Birth Project is active in a coalition of community stakeholders and government representatives that was founded to support this legislation. More information, including details surrounding the impetus for this effort, can be found at afsc.org/kites
If you are interested in supporting these work, please provide your information below. We will only contact you regarding policy action items.
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Senate Advocacy Statements
Our Community Outreach & Activism (COA) committee researched the political platforms of Michigan Senators, with the goal of advocating for this legislation through Senator-specific appeals to political values.
Concept & Writing: Noelle Gorka, COA Director
Research Assistance: Bianca Shah, Haleigh Cotton, Libby Kelley, Rachel Yum, Reece Lynch, Sahita Manda